Zombie dreams?

Last night I had a really weird dream...
Yes, it involved zombies.
I actually think I had a dream like this before. This is what happened... o-o
I walk to school [aware that there will be zombies there, however I keep on walking], and when I get there, I walk through a mall entrance [like Dead Rising], and then my school is inside!
I get on a roof alongside some of my classmates, and zombies start climbing up towards us. I try to battle them off with kicks and fists when, suddenly a random dude appears with 4 saucepans with frying eggs, and offers me one. So now I'm fighting off zombies with hot saucapans... Strange dream O-o

When I woke up, I looked for a zombie in the shower or a baby zombie in the hamper O:<

Songs and lussebulls

Hey hey :]

Today I was out on the town with some of my fellow classmates.
Reason: Singing to get some cash for our London trip. (I got to wear a lot of glitter, yaay :D)
Me and two of my other friends 'Greta' and 'Inga-Britt' started singing in the subway, and we made some money off that xD Not exactly planned... but it was fun :D


I'm doing some french homework and I'm gonna study for two tests, because I am going away for the weekend, so I won't have much time then. I'm really kinda tired... well at least I've got a sleep-in tomorrow! :D
Back to studying Px

There's a spiiidddeeerr on theee waaaaall!

I'm talking to a spideeerrr.
When I was brushing my teeth, I saw this spider.
I named him Mr. Dandy Speedylegs :D
[stupid video won't upload >___>]

Peace braaah ♥

Yo ;]

So, Hi there!
I think I should introduce myself a bit further!
Well, My IGN is Pandie... But you can call me later :D
I live in a cold country with many trees and tall, blond people (yeah, right).
I like dancing, drawing, music and hanging out with my friends!
And this is a question I have been asked a lot:
Does it hurt to have braces?
-No, it doesnt. They're just in the way. It does hurt when you put them in though! 
It's probably different for... other people, but that's how I look at it. 

I have taken an interest in Dandy from seeing it in a news article...
Google it :]



Although it gets really cold and icky outside, you can't not play in the snow!
Yesterday, I went out with three of my friends in the woods and went shwoooping down the snowy hill on these bad boys:

And I hope I can go out ice skating or snowboarding soon!
You have to enjoy the snow when it's still here :]

Bye! ♥

It's been a long day

Might go to bed soon... 
We'll see, I'm kinda tired but my need to sit up late at weekends might keep me up ;]
I had two tests today, French and English... I think they went remotely good, although I felt I wasn't very prepared for the French test. But I'm pretty confident still.
As I said earlier, I have been listening to many boy bands recently, and I just thought that 'Uptown girl - Westlife' would be a good song to perform to for the end of this term...

But I've listened a lot to Norah Jones as well (sleepy, calm music) and I might want to do 'Seven Years'.
It will probably end up with me not doing anything in the end (as usual)... But I'll keep it up ;]

ttyl ♥


So, tomorrow I've got two tests, so...
wish me luck, my non-existent readers! :D

I got new slippers today :]
They're kinda like socks...

ttyl ♥

Boy bands

Hello! :]

I just got back from school and I'm pretty exhausted o:
I started listening to Backstreet Boys and N Sync not a while ago, haha xD
>On Spotify... I think it's really good, except I could do very well without all the commercial breaks...
Guess that's one for the wishlist :P


So... today all of our school got 2h's sleepin!
But... I still have 3 lessons to attend to -.-'
But idc cause we're gonna have lucia practise today! (Lucia was a saint and because of her, we're gonna sing a lot of songs on the 13'th of December... Google it)
Anyways... Still pretty tired since I got to bed so late yesterday o:

Here's one of my favourite songs atm ^____^

See ya :] ♥

Embraces ♥


welcome to my new, humble blog =]
i recently got braces [ouch?=yes]
it's really annoying, food gets stuck and my lips get brace-marks... haha.
Oh and it's also very... VERY cold outside Dx
-15°C or summet o: