
Vivienne Westwood pirate boots
$385 - couture.zappos.com

Pirate necklace
$18 - amazon.com

Red And Black Petticoat Dress
$70 - pyramidcollection.com


Vivienne Westwood pirate boots
$385 - couture.zappos.com

Pirate necklace
$18 - amazon.com

Red And Black Petticoat Dress
$70 - pyramidcollection.com


Isn't it funny...
How the things closest to you,
can sometimes be the ones that slip away the soonest...

I think I have minor talents...

School Project :]

Hi nobody! :D
The 'school project' is producing a magazine! It's great because I get to work alone and I'm alowed to write about anything I want. Sooo I chose to make a culture magazine :]
It's gonna be called Sunny Pop News and it's gonna be full of fun stuff :D

The picture above is from the fashion part of the magazine where I'll be writing about fashions from around the world! If you have any more suggestions other than traditional chinese dresses (i'm doing indian and japanese too), please comment!

The rest of the magazine will bee...
Film and book reviews
Recipes and food introductions (such as kyaraben)
Comic strips
The fashion thingy ofc...
And if I make time for it, I shall make a music article :3
Tjabaa :D

Idag cyklade jag och Linn i stan :D
Jag tyckte det va skitkul - såg fett pimp ut i min gammelnya cykel, fast nu har jag ont i arslet.
Jag köpte en töjning, en samlingsskiva av The Beatles, en ny cykelhjälm... och mat :D
Jag och Linn åt på donken och jag drack MIILKSHAAAKE!!!
Jag brukar inte ta det, för jag har inte ens tänkt på att det finns där. Men nu var jag så sugen på milkshake och jag såg att de hade det, så jag tog det ^^
Sen så derpade vi litegrann i kulturhuset och sen så tog Oliver mina glajjer eftersom att Linn hade på sig dom O-O... Sen såg vi visst Kissie när vi cyklade. Hon stirrade på Linn för hon hade missfärgat hår... Linn tyckte att det skulle vara kul att smygfota henne, så hon åkte före mig och körde nästan på Kissie och tog skitsuddiga bilder på henne... xD

sen åkte vi hem c:
Jag tyckte det va skitkul idag ♥
Hejhej D:
Helg ftw? Nu ska jag chilla runt lite och inte göra nåt viktigt :D
Sweet stache much?

hejhej jag gillar att spela sims med min kusin :3

im kindof relieved to have all the school stuff done, like essays, tests, book reviews and stuffs... so now me and my besttiiieee thought it was about time to get an internship at a shop... you have to do that in sweden... yupyup.
Linn: Hej! Jag undrar om ni har praoplats vecka 20-21?
Snubbe som jobbar där: Kaan do pratta ingelska?
Linn: Eh... I wonder if you.... uuuhh.... *slänger telefon på mig* EMILIA SÄG DET.
Linn: *lägger på*
 Google translate it if you care :P
I like to play Sims 2.
Hehe xD
It's only fun with cheats though :3 ♥
I feel funny...
When I think its the right time to do it
I will conjure the magic words
I love silent moments, I have my eyes on you, and you have yours on mine, 
suddenly a little smile dives up and I start to feel warm.
I feel like I can't say the last words.

There are so many things I want to say, but they are to hard to say face to face.
I'll write a song for you instead =]
It took quite a long time
If only my camera worked.
Oh well.

I feel like poop...
   Physically and mentally
      And I'm not getting better.
          I'm having really weird dreams as well :D
             Get me out of here. Please?
I went snowboarding and skiing for 4 days! :D
At the ski resort, I met up with my friend, HP ♥
It was really fun, but I'm glad to be home...
I have a reeeaally sore throat though. And it sucks. I can barely talk, and coughing hurts like shit :/
Hai bitchez :3


I had to sing (and play guitar) in front of class today T3T
I was trembling like a fish!!!
My performance kicked ass
So idk why everyone was encouraging me...
[tbh; i really liked my song... i guess i could've done a better performance. that's all!]

Anywho! Besides that, I am having a one-week vacation from school! Yay :D
Aaand I'm going to snowboard with my friend ^____^

Farewellz, my blog ♥
[Ooh yeah check out tha glasses xD]
Jaaag måste plugga Matte och göra färdigt min SO-uppsats :[
Men... det gör inget. För jag är hungrig och den där låten är jag ^
Den beskriver hur hungrig jag är... 
nä men lyssna på den :3

Nu ska jag nog kanske.. duscha?
this blog is like a diary to me, since no one is reading it ^__^ 
Här sitter jag och försöker lära mig en dans...
Japp. Sittandes.
Det kanske är därför det inte går så bra?

Jag vet iallafall exakt när man ska blinka nu.
Det är väl bra...
ge mig en Ben & Jerry's ._.'
Add me on facebook, silt'plait 
I have an open account (recently made a new one)
Ask for the name in a personal message @ 
il fait nuage

i love you

my favourite rite now is britney spears - toxic
hahahha xD
Hohoho, här sitter man och ugglar ♥
I'm a night owl :3
Alas, I will go to bed now.
I think licking the yoghurt lid is disgusting.
 No offense to all you lid-lickers out there!


"Du var i mitt fucking hus.
Min fucking soffa.
Min fucking bil.
Mitt fucking ICA.
Mitt fucking hjärta.
Men du var som en en fågel i en bur.
Nu får du fan lära dig att flyga, fuckface."

im wit ma homegurl
we gon go to ikea in a second
peace ♥

I guess I could say good morning...
Naahhh. I haven't even gone to bed yet.
I am on my way though. I'm so frikkin tired.
We had a bakesale today at school. So I sold cookies. Yaaay.
Being the nerd I am, I'm listening to 'Concerning Hobbits'.

Panda ♥ Lord of the rings
i like big butts and i cannot lie, you otha brothas cant deny
that when a girl walks in with an ittybitty waist and a round thing in your face
you get sprung
blablablablaaaaaaaa ♥
i laik ma new theme.
it's funny.
cause im a geek.
Once upon a time,
there was a boy. His name was Twinkle Fiddley Dee.
He didn't have many friends, so instead of playing outside in the magical forest, Twinkle Fiddley Dee stayed inside and played World of Witchcraft. In this game, he met a beautiful girl with big blonde plaits and with a tingling interest of wearing pretty little dresses and lipgloss. They decided to meet eachother, behind the red mushroom - just on the outskirts of Finkletown. So they did. Only then did Twinkle Fiddley Dee find out that the beautiful girl with blonde plaits, wasn't a girl - but an evil sorceror. The sorcerer killed him and made a potion out of Twinkle Fiddley Dee's happiness.

Don't do drugs.


Torkel i knipa

Feta Doris

La lune

Some things in life are very frustrating and distressing.
But even when you're so confused that you start crying, -and then laughing because everything is so ridiculous- the moon will stay the same. One night at a moment of confusion, I looked up at the moon. And wooooow.... It was so beautiful that night! 

The clouds made a soft formation around the moon, resembling tickling feathers, 
barely touching the lumenescent celestial body. 
You could barely see the stars. Well you could, 
but in comparison to the moon they might as well not have been there. 

The best thing about the moon is that there is only one. Imagine if there were thousands of moons as you looked up into the sky at night. Wouldn't it take away the glory?
The moon is like a Queen ruling the night.
The sun, a king - roaming in daylight...
I don't know if my preference lies with the sun or the moon, they are both very beautiful.

I'm mad...
and sad ._.
Some things are too confusing for me.
Like, how nice things suddenly change and turn against you
and also how I'm still going to have english for 1,5 year -.-'

Sometimes, one can't be spared. And you'll have to live with you're confusion
and wait for some other problem to come along so you can focus on that instead.
Waiting for that problem, I'm just gonna have to sit back with my cup of tea and try to enjoy 
my confusion instead of being paranoid, mean and stalkish.




Hmm... I haven't written in a while.
Did I tell you that I went to England? That's where I got the awesome jacket on the pic ^ (primark). I'm wearing it now as well ^^ 
It was great to visit my mum and my little sister, but now I'm back in the glum weather, here in the country I live in...
We had sex ed today and a sub teacher. He spoke in a weird way and when he was saying something he always tried to sound really serious. I couldn't help but laugh mockingly at him.

I went to the dentists today again; braces. I always imagine the pain will be horrendous, but in the end it doesn't hurt very much and it's over very quickly.  I ♥ my cousin

Oh and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! ♥